API Reference

This page lists all API calls implemented in the FeedHQ API. It is important to read and understand the terminology before refering to this API reference.


Returns various details about the user.

URL /reader/api/0/user-info
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON


Returns all streams that have unread items, along with their unread count and the timestamp of their most recent item.

URL /reader/api/0/unread-count
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Sample JSON output:

    "max": 1000,
    "unreadcounts": [
            "count": 1,
            "id": "feed/http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot",
            "newestItemTimestampUsec": "1405452360000000"
            "count": 1,
            "id": "feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/alistapart/main",
            "newestItemTimestampUsec": "1405432727000000"
            "count": 2,
            "id": "user/1/label/Tech",
            "newestItemTimestampUsec": "1405432727000000"
            "count": 2,
            "id": "user/1/state/com.google/reading-list",
            "newestItemTimestampUsec": "1405432727000000"


Deletes a category or a tag. Feeds that belong to the category being deleted are moved to the top-level.

URL /reader/api/0/disable-tag
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK” in plain text
POST token required Yes

Required POST data:

  • s the category’s stream ID, or t, the category (label) name.


Renames a category.

URL /reader/api/0/rename-tag
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK” in plain text
POST token required Yes

Required POST data:

  • s the category’s stream ID, or t, the category (label) name.
  • dest, the new label name, in its stream ID form: user/-/label/<new label>.


Lists all your subscriptions (feeds).

URL /reader/api/0/subscription/list
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Sample JSON output:

    "subscriptions": [
            "title": "A List Apart",
            "firstitemmsec": "1373999174000",
            "htmlUrl": "http://alistapart.com",
            "sortid": "B0000000",
            "id": "feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/alistapart/main",
            "categories": [
                    "id": "user/1/label/Tech",
                    "label": "Tech"


Creates, edits or deletes a subscription (feed).

URL /reader/api/0/subscription/edit
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK” in plain text
POST token required Yes

POST data for each action:

  • Creation:
    • ac: the string subscribe
    • s: the stream ID to create (feed/<feed url>).
    • t: the name for this subscription.
    • (optional) a: the stream ID of a category. If the category doesn’t exist, it will be created.
  • Edition:
    • ac: the string edit
    • s: the stream ID to edit (feed/<feed url>).
    • r or a: the stream ID of a category. r moves the feed out of the category, a adds the feed to the category.
    • t a new title for the feed.
  • Deletion:
    • ac: the string unsubscribe
    • s: the stream ID to delete (feed/<feed url>).


Adds a new subscription (feed), given only the feed’s URL.

URL /reader/api/0/subscription/quickadd
Method POST
Supported formats XML, JSON
POST token required Yes

POST data:

  • quickadd: the URL of the feed, as a stream ID or just a standard URL.

Sample JSON output:

    "numResults": 1,
    "query": "http://feeds.feedburner.com/alistapart/main",
    "streamId": "feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/alistapart/main",


Returns the list of subscriptions in OPML (XML) format.

URL /reader/api/0/subscription/export
Method GET
Supported formats XML (OPML)


Imports all subscriptions from an OPML file.

URL /reader/api/0/subscription/import
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK: <count>” in plain text

Instead of form data, this API call expects the contents of the OPML file to be provided directly in the request body.


Returns whether the user is subscribed to a given feed.

URL /reader/api/0/subscribed
Method GET
Supported formats Returns “true” or “false” in plain text

Querystring parameters:

  • s: the stream ID of the feed to check.


Returns paginated, detailed items for a given stream.

URL /reader/api/0/stream/contents/<stream ID>
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON, Atom

The stream ID is part of the URL. Additionally, the following querystring parameters are supported:

  • r: sort criteria. Items are sorted by date (descending by default), r=o inverts the order.
  • n: the number of items per page. Default: 20.
  • c: the continuation string (see below).
  • xt: a stream ID to exclude from the list.
  • it: a steam ID to include in the list.
  • ot: an epoch timestamp. Items older than this timestamp are filtered out.
  • nt: an epoch timestamp. Items newer than this timestamp are filtered out.

Continuation is used for pagination. When FeedHQ returns a page, it contains a continuation key that can be passed as a c parameter to fetch the next page.

Sample JSON output:

    "direction": "ltr",
    "author": "brutasse",
    "title": "brutasse's reading list on FeedHQ",
    "updated": 1405538866,
    "continuation": "page2",
    "id": "user/1/state/com.google/reading-list"
    "self": [{
        "href": "https://feedhq.org/reader/api/0/stream/contents/user/-/state/com.google/reading-list?output=json"
    "items": []

items contains the list of feed items. Each item has the following structure:

    "origin": {
    "updated": 1405538866,
    "id": "tag:google.com,2005:reader/item/0000000009067698",
    "categories": [
    "author": "Somebody",
    "alternate": [{
        "href": "http://example.com/href.html",
        "type": "text/html"
    "timestampUsec": "1405538280000000",
    "content": {
        "direction": "ltr",
        "content": "actual content",
    "crawlTimeMsec": "1405538280000",
    "published": 1405538280,
    "title": "Example item test title"

You’ll notice that epoch timestamps are integers but when dates are expressed in miliseconds (Msec) or microseconds (Usec) they are returned as strings.


Returns item IDs for a given stream ID.

URL /reader/api/0/stream/items/ids
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Querystring parameters:

  • s: the stream ID.
  • n the number of item IDs per page to return.
  • (optional) includeAllDirectStreamIds: set it to true to include stream IDs in items.
  • (optional) c: the continuation string when requesting a page.
  • (optional) xt, it, nt and ot are supported like in the stream/contents API call.


Returns the number of items in a given stream.

URL /reader/api/0/stream/items/count
Method GET
Supported formats Returns the count in plain text

Querystring parameters:

  • s: the stream ID.
  • (optional) a: set it to true to also get the date of the latest item in the stream.

Sample output, without a:


Sample output, with a:

20174#July 16, 2014


Returns the details about requested feed items.

URL /reader/api/0/stream/items/contents
Method GET, POST
Supported formats XML, JSON, Atom

Items are requested via the i querystring parameter or post parameter. It can be repeated as many times as needed. When requesting a large number of items, it is recommended to use POST to avoid hitting URI length limits.


Returns the list of special tags and labels.

URL /reader/api/0/tag/list
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Sample JSON output:

    "tags": [
            "id": "user/1/state/com.google/starred",
            "sortid": "A0000001"

            "id": "user/1/states/com.google/broadcast",
            "sortid": "A0000002"

            "id": "user/1/label/Tech",
            "sortid": "A0000003"


Adds or remove tags from items. This API call is used to mark items as read or unread or star / unstar items.

URL /reader/api/0/edit-tag
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK” in plain text
POST token required Yes

POST parameters:

  • i: ID of the item to edit. Can be repeated to edit multiple items at once.
  • a: tag to add to the items. Can be repeated to add multiple tags at once.
  • r: tag to remove from the items. Can be repeated to remove multiple tags at once.

Possible tags are:

  • user/-/state/com.google/kept-unread
  • user/-/state/com.google/starred
  • user/-/state/com.google/broadcast
  • user/-/state/com.google/read

For example, to mark an item as read and star it at the same time:



Marks all items in a stream as read.

URL /reader/api/0/mark-all-as-read
Method POST
Supported formats Returns “OK” in plain text
POST token required Yes

POST parameters:

  • s the stream ID to act on.
  • (optional) ts: an epoch timestamp in microseconds. When provided, only items older than this timestamp are marked as read.


URL /reader/api/0/preference/list
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Returns a static response:

    "prefs": [{
        "id": "lhn-prefs",
        "value": "{\"subscriptions\":{\"ssa\":\"true\"}}"

Yes, value is JSON-encoded JSON. ssa=true tells clients that subscriptions are sorted alphabetically. FeedHQ doesn’t support custom sorting.


URL /reader/api/0/preference/stream/list
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Returns a static response:

    "streamprefs": { }


URL /reader/api/0/friend/list
Method GET
Supported formats XML, JSON

Returns a single friend, the authenticated user:

    "friends": [{
        "p": "",
        "contactId": "-1",
        "flags": 1,
        "stream": "user/1/state/com.google/broadcast",
        "hasSharedItemsOnProfile": false,
        "profileIds": [
        "userIds": [
        "givenName": "brutasse",
        "displayName": "brutasse",
        "n": ""

Undocumented / not implemented

The following API calls are known to exist in the Google Reader API but haven’t been implemented in the FeedHQ API:

  • /related/list
  • /stream/details
  • /item/edit
  • /item/delete
  • /item/likers
  • /friend/groups
  • /friend/acl
  • /friend/edit
  • /friend/feeds
  • /people/search
  • /people/suggested
  • /people/profile
  • /comment/edit
  • /conversation/edit
  • /shorten-url
  • /preference/set
  • /preference/stream/set
  • /search/items/ids
  • /recommendation/edit
  • /recommendation/list
  • /list-user-bundle
  • /edit-bundle
  • /get-bundle
  • /delete-bundle
  • /bundles
  • /list-friends-bunle
  • /list-featured-bundle